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Frequently Asked Questions

General FAQs


Graduation 是否有资格获得学位或文凭. 在你正式毕业并获得文凭之前,你必须满足所有的学位要求.

Commencement is the actual ceremony 授予毕业生学位或文凭的大学. Commencement is not a certification of graduation, 而是一个庆祝你学业成就的仪式.


Yes. 任何从该大学毕业的人都需要支付学位结业费.

学位结业费是全国网赌正规平台的一项费用,用于支付与毕业和毕业典礼相关的费用. These costs include but are not limited to:

  • degree conferral on transcripts
  • degree audits and the final graduation audit
  • diploma printing and mailing costs
  • 经济援助退出咨询沟通与处理
  • 与学位候选人有关的毕业和毕业信函
  • overhead, labor and other expenses

What information appears on the student's diploma?

法律专业学生的姓名、获得的学位、专业和学术荣誉都会出现在文凭上. 未成年人不会出现在文凭上,但会出现在成绩单上. 完成同一学位类型的多个专业的学生将获得一张文凭.

When should I receive my diploma?

毕业生将在学期结束后的六到八周内邮寄毕业证书. 文凭将邮寄到您提交给注册主任办公室或研究生办公室的学位申请中提供的永久地址. 地址如有更改,请向注册主任办公室报告,地址为

Commencement FAQs for students

我还没有收到任何关于毕业典礼的消息. Who do I need to talk to?

如果你没有收到信息邮件,并且认为你应该收到, contact the Office of the Registrar at 660.562.1151 to check your status, or send an email to


接你的时候,你的帽子和袍子里有一张读者卡. 读者卡上将印有你的名字,并留出一块书写语音拼写的区域. 如果你认为读者读你的名字有困难, complete the phonetic spelling area in clear print. Example: Bobby Bearcat (Ba-bee Bear-cat).


毕业典礼前,在领取学位帽和学位服的地方会有一个登记台. 在签到表,你可以更改你的名字和学位信息在你的读者卡.

What time should I be there?

毕业生如需领取学位帽及学位袍,须于毕业典礼前30分钟到达. 毕业典礼协调员在毕业典礼开始前15分钟开始在学生娱乐中心排队. 

Where do I go?


Where do the graduates sit?


毕业典礼协调员会在典礼开始前让你们在学生娱乐中心排队. 从那里,你将被引导穿过走廊进入竞技场. 如果你想坐在朋友旁边,确保他们排在你前面或后面. 

Is there a dress code?

You may dress in business casual clothing.

Which side does my tassel go on?

Your tassel will begin on the right side of your cap. During the commencement ceremony, 校长会授予学位,并会指示你将流苏从帽子的右侧移到左侧.

How long will the ceremony last?


Is there a guest limit?


Ticket Information

Why is Northwest requiring tickets? The number of graduates is higher than usual, 所以门票是用来准确统计出席人数和保证客人安全的.

When can tickets be reserved? On Tuesday, November 12, 参加毕业典礼的毕业生将收到一封来自 有登录链接和预订方向,最多可预订七张票. 您需要用您的919号和正确的仪式时间“核对”门票. You will have until 11:59 p.m. on Sunday, December 8, to reserve tickets.

What if I don’t know my 919#? You need to find your 919# as soon as possible. Start by contacting

Do tickets cost money? No. Tickets are free.

How many tickets will graduates receive? 毕业生可以选择为他们的客人预订最多7张门票.

Do children need tickets? Yes. Every person will need a ticket to enter Bearcat Arena.

Do graduates need tickets? 参加毕业典礼的毕业生不需要门票.

Are tickets required for handicapped seating? Yes. Every person needs a ticket to enter Bearcat Arena.

What if I don’t need all seven tickets? Out of respect for other graduates and their loved ones, please only reserve the number of tickets you will use. If you need only four seats, reserve just four tickets. 无人认领的门票将于稍后发放(详情请参阅下文).

How can I share my tickets with guests? Once tickets are “checked out,” you can show the tickets from your phone, print them, 和/或截图并发送给客人扫描. Each ticket can be scanned only once.

What is the deadline for reserving tickets? Graduates must reserve tickets by 11:59 p.m. Sunday, December 8. After the deadline passes, 未预订的门票将发放给申请额外门票的毕业生.

How can I get more tickets? 如果需要,毕业生将通过电子邮件发送表格申请更多门票. 西北航空公司将在机票有售时联系个人询问他们的要求. 西北航空公司不保证会有额外的机票,也不保证所有的额外机票申请都会得到满足.

毕业典礼的入场券如何核实? 门票扫描器将位于熊猫体育馆门口,类似于体育赛事. Every person needs a ticket to enter Bearcat Arena. Each ticket can be scanned one time.

Are tickets for designated seats? Northwest is not assigning seating. 门票扫描完毕后,座位将以先到先得的方式分配. 当门打开时,检票机将准备好为客人服务, starting 90 minutes before each ceremony.

如果在分发了额外的票后,我仍然拿不到我想要的票怎么办? All commencement ceremonies are live-streamed at for people who cannot be present in Bearcat Arena.

Who can I contact for more information?

If you have questions, contact us at 

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